
Social Media Image Size Guide 2025

Media Width & Height Aspect Ratio
Facebook Square 1200 x 1200 px 1:1
Facebook Landscape 1200 x 630 px 1.905:1
Facebook Portrait 630 x 1200 px 0.525:1
Instagram Square 1080 x 1080 px 1:1
Instagram Landscape 1080 x 566 px 1.908:1
Instagram Portrait 1080 x 1350 px 0.8:1
X(Twitter) Square 1200 x 1200 px 1:1
X(Twitter) Landscape 1200 x 900 px 1.78:1
X(Twitter) Portrait 900 x 1200 px 0.5625:1
Pinterest Square 1000 x 1000 px 1:1
LinkedIn Landscape 1200 x 627 px 1.914:1
LinkedIn Portrait 627 x 1200 px 0.5225:1
RedNote Square 1080 x 1080 px 1:1
RedNote Landscape 1200 x 900 px 1.33:1
RedNote Portrait 900 x 1200 px 0.75:1
微博 Normal 980 x 900 px 1.08:1
微博 Long 800 x 2000 px 0.4:1

Facebook More

Item Width & Height Aspect Ratio
Square 1200 x 1200 px 1:1
Landscape 1200 x 630 px 1.905:1
Portrait 630 x 1200 px 0.525:1
Profile 320 x 320 px 1:1
Cover Photo 1200 x 628 px 2:1
Stories 1080 x 1920 px 9:16
Ad:All 1080 x 1080 px 1:1

Instagram More

Item Width & Height Aspect Ratio
Square 1200 x 1200 px 1:1
Landscape 1200 x 630 px 1.905:1
Portrait 630 x 1200 px 0.525:1
Profile 320 x 320 px 1:1
Stories 1080 x 1920 px 9:16

X(Twitter) More

Item Width & Height Aspect Ratio
Square 1200 x 1200 px 1:1
Landscape 1200 x 900 px 4:3
Portrait 900 x 1200 px 3:4
Profile 400 x 400 px 1:1
Cover Photo 1500 x 500 px 3:1
In-Steam Photos 1600 x 900 px 16:9
Card Image 120 x 120 px 1:1
Ad:Tweets 600 x 335 px 1.79:1
Ad:Web Card Image 800 x 418 px 1.91:1
Ad:App Card Image 800 x 800 px 1:1

Pinterest More

Item Width & Height Aspect Ratio
Square 1000 x 1000 px 1:1
Static and Ad Specs 1000 x 1500 px 2:3
Idea Pin 1080 x 1920 px 9:16
Square Pin 1000 x 1000 px 1:1
Long Pin 1000 x 2100 px 1:2.1
Infographic Pin 1000 x 3000 px 1:3
Ad:All 1000 x 1500 px 2:3

LinkedIn More

Item Width & Height Aspect Ratio
Landscape 1200 x 627 px 1.914:1
Portrait 627 x 1200 px 0.5225:1
Blog Post 1080 x 1080 px 1:1
Company Logo 300 x 300 px 1:1
Company Square Logo 60 x 60 px 1:1
Company Cover Image 1128 x 191 px 6:1
Life Tab Main Image 1128 x 376 px 3:1
Lift Tab Modules Image 502 x 282 px 1.78:1
Lift Tab Photo Image 900 x 600 px 3:2

ReaNote 小红书 More

Item Width & Height Aspect Ratio
Portrait 900 x 1200 px 3:4
Square 1080 x 1080 px 1:1
Landscape 1200 x 900 px 4:3
Profile 400 x 400 px 1:1
Cover Landscape 800 x 600 px 4:3
Cover Portrait 1242 x 1660 px 3:4
Background 1000 x 800 px 10:8

ReaNote 小红书常用的图片比例

ReaNote 小红书封面




ReaNote 小红书背景图



ReaNote 小红书配图



ReaNote Common Image Ratios for Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book)

ReaNote Xiaohongshu Cover Images

Xiaohongshu note cover images come in two aspect ratios: vertical and horizontal.

In most cases, we recommend using vertical covers for Xiaohongshu notes, as vertical covers occupy about 40% more display area than horizontal ones under the same conditions.

More display area means a higher level of attention. To make your Xiaohongshu notes stand out, we suggest opting for vertical cover formats.

ReaNote Xiaohongshu Background Images

The Xiaohongshu background image is the header image at the top of your personal profile page, with an aspect ratio of 5:4.

Since the left side of the background image displays your avatar, username, and profile data, we recommend placing the visual focus of the background in the center or slightly to the right during design to ensure key elements remain unobstructed.

ReaNote Xiaohongshu Content Images

Unlike regular content platforms, Xiaohongshu note images are displayed in a top-positioned carousel format.

To maintain layout consistency, Xiaohongshu provides three image ratios for notes: vertical (3:4), square (1:1), and horizontal (4:3). Importantly, each note can only use one image ratio throughout.

